Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Dickens of a Carol!

My friend Deborah Tipton, Henry Winkler & I at Steel City Comic Con.

     Christmas has inspired numerous writers and artists.  One literary work which has had a profound influence on our traditional celebrations for the holiday is Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.  Released in 1843, the novella conjures up Christmas in the image of a cold, snowy Victorian landscape with lighted evergreen trees and seasonal carols sung to imbue humanity's sense of generosity.  It seems almost unnecessary to describe the plot detailing Ebenezer Scrooge's conversion from miser to eager philanthropist, as the tale has been adapted for radio, film, tv, sitcoms and cartoons. Surely everyone has seen some version, somewhere.
     There are several silent short versions of A Christmas Carol, but perhaps the most praised film production is the 1951 version simply called Scrooge with Alastair Simm in the title role.  His performance as the skinflint with a change of heart is greatly admired.  In 1970, following the success of the Ocsar winning movie Oliver, A Christmas Carol was transformed into a musical called Scrooge starring a delightful Albert Finney as the title character.  He changes heart and sings as he does so!
    TV has brought forth it own renditions of the classic holiday book.  One of the best is a 1984 TV film called A Christmas Carol which remains very faithful to the tale, delivering both holiday cheer and the chills of the story's darker side.  George C. Scott played Scrooge and David Warner was his clerk, Bob Cratchit.  Another later TV version retaining the novella's name and sticking close to both setting and plot starred Patrick Stewart as Scrooge and Richard E.Grant as Cratchit .
     A Christmas Carol has always been my favorite holiday tale.  As a youth I remember regularly watching and being enthralled by An American Christmas Carol from 1979 starring Henry Winkler.  The story was transferred from Victorian London to small town America during the depression with Winkler mesmerizing in a Scrooge like character a far cry from his popular Happy Days role of Fonzie.  Apparently regard for Winkler was present on set as I learned when I recently got to discuss An American Christmas Carol with Robert Sax, who was an assistant to the producer.

Sax said, "I love Henry’s performance and think it was one of his best. It showed how good he could be in a dramatic role. He was mostly known for his comedy roles at the time. Henry was a consummate professional on and off the set, even when shooting in cold outdoor locations. Most of all, he had to endure several hours of special effects makeup application on the days when he played the old Slade. All this happened before the set call, so he had to get up extra early. He accepted this demand of the role with grace and aplomb, although the makeup would become rather uncomfortable by the end of the day.

     At the start of December I got to see Henry Winkler at Steel City Comic Con, where it was obvious that his appeal has not waned as he spoke dynamically at a Q&A and met fans.

     An American Christmas Carol is a real gem, worth seeking out.  Almost all versions of Dickens classic holiday novella have special treats.  I find it fun reading a classic work like this (or Dracula) and observing what filmmakers select to use, cut out, or adapt.  It tells a lot about the film makers and the taste of the audience it is aimed for.

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