I like writing horror tales, especially playing around with iconic creatures. Of late ghosts have been the object of my musings, perhaps partly influenced by the Havre de Haunts ghost tours I led last Autumn. It is said sometimes ghosts aren't even aware of their condition. Now I've been feeling odd of late, but not that strange. Still, there are numerous clues of a ghostly existence such as these...
1. Every evening around dusk a different team of ghost hunters arrive at your house.
2. You have no problems passing through doorways…even when you forget to open the door.
3. Abe Lincoln was president when you were born.
4. Every family reunion picnic is held Halloween night.
5. There’s a tombstone in the graveyard with your name on it.
6. No matter what you eat, you never gain weight on your hips and remain able to float in the air.
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions you may be a ghost. If you’ve answered yes to all of them, you probably are.
Be sure to check out my books at www.lulu.com/spotlight/wrigler for more supernatural ponderings.
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